Travel Guide: Accommodations for Myanmar Travelers

Accommodation prices in Myanmar can vary remarkably between categories, which are suitable for different budgets and personal preferences. Overall, the vast majority of hotels, resorts, guesthouses, and homestays here are inclusive, embracing good values for an all-in-all experience.

Unlike the neighbours Laos and Thailand, hotels and resorts in Myanmar are relatively expensive, partly due to the lack of supplies. Luckily, the country is in great developing wheel as there are more and more decent hotels with valued prices, plus standard or upgraded services currently entering the market.

Here are 3 basis ranges that Sens Asia Travel would offer visitors while staying in Myanmar:

  • Luxury 5*– 6*: The big 4 of Myanmar, Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan and Inle Lake, are the only cities offer guests high-end properties as of Sandoway or The Governor’s Residence. A luxury stay in Burma ranges from US $250 – $500 according to seasonal availability.

Sandoway Resort, Ngapali Beach (Myanmar)

  • Deluxe 4*:  This standard provides a wide range of hotels, from US $150 – $250 applicable with modern facilities and good location including both hotel and resort-styles.

Amata Resort, Inle Lake (Myanmar)

  • Comfort boutique 3*: The basic boutique hotels, ranging from US $60 – $100 tend to be in the Chinese molds, multi-floored concrete blocks with plain en-suite rooms off galleried walkways. Space levels at a premium, the more you pay, the larger the room, and more comfortable the facilities. The outer space is vast and inclusive.

Shwe Ingyinn Hotel, Mandalay (Myanmar)

More Myanmar Travel Information >>

By Le Doan

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